As every parent knows, there’s probably no way to prevent your teenagers from engaging in actions that you consider displeasing or dangerous entirely, and texting while driving is one of these. Often, handing over the keys to a new driver in the shape of your son or daughter is terrifying enough on its own, without the looming threat of texting while driving.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to discourage this behavior. According to US News & World Report, being a good role model while driving is one of the best things you can do to discourage your teen from texting while driving.
Do as I say and as I do
As with most things, teens are at least slightly more likely to follow your instructions not to text and drive if you are not texting and driving. Many teens report seeing their parents text while they are operating a car, and this dissonance can cause serious problems when you are trying to discourage your kids from doing what they just saw you do earlier.
Also, think about when you are calling or texting your teen. If you believe that your teen is likely to be driving, it is a good idea to either wait until you believe that they have stopped the vehicle, or by calling first and asking, “Are you driving?”
Use Technology
Some cell phone companies are wising up to the dangers of teen texting and driving and offering options for parents to “lock” phones when the teens are in a car going faster than 15 miles per hour. The parents can designate certain apps that can still be operated (like music or navigation) as well as allow calls from designated persons (a boss or the parents).