On Your Side After An Injury

How Social Media Can Affect Your Claim

Social media apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be a fun way to share your life with friends and family. However, if you are not careful, you could damage your personal injury claim without meaning to.

At Kelly Law Office, P.C., our Kansas City-area attorneys will help you meet the challenge of getting rightful damages for your injuries sustained in a preventable car accident or another incident — including what to do about your social media. With more than 90 years of collective legal experience, we will deal with the court and the insurance company for you to make sure you will not have to bear the burden of your hospital bills, pain and suffering, and lost past and future wages all by yourself.

Smart Social Media Strategy While Making A Personal Injury Claim

Part of making a successful personal injury claim is demonstrating that your injuries are limiting your physical abilities and/or quality of life. Photos and videos posted online of you playing sports, dancing or otherwise being physically active can severely damage your case. Insurance company attorneys often hire investigators to track down and monitor your social media accounts. Anything they can find to use to claim you were not actually injured, fairly or unfairly, could end up as evidence at trial.

Thus, you need to be very careful about what you put online after your injury. Any time you are about to post something, ask yourself if you would be comfortable having that post come up in your personal injury case. If not, think twice about clicking the “post” button, or at least use the app’s settings to limit who will see it.

Talk About Your Case With One Of Our Experienced Lawyers

To learn more about personal injury law in Missouri and Kansas and social media’s impact, contact Kelly Law Office, P.C., by calling 816-963-0861. Our firm is located in Liberty, Missouri.