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Workplace safety can be promoted with implementation of HASP

Though experience is often one of the best teachers, it is not the preferred way of doing things on the job. Workplace safety is a serious issue that can be bolstered with clear planning and training employees effectively. Missouri workers have suffered serious work-related illnesses and injuries that may have been prevented if a comprehensive safety plan was implemented.

HASP is short for a Health and Safety Plan. Many states require such procedures to be in place in order to prevent serious incidents on the job. Once there is a clear plan in place, worker productivity often increases, and morale often follows suit. Such plans are based on research conducted by the National Safety Council and are often recommended by OSHA officials.

One foremost basis of these plans is the recognition, evaluation and control of hazards on the job. Effective plans incorporate the overall work environment, employees involved, and the types of materials and machinery that are utilized at the work site. This extends to the use of potentially hazardous materials on the job and the proper procedures for handling and disposing of such materials. Workplace design also comes into consideration, as effective planning and placement can eliminate dangers and control other factors that can lead to illness or injury.

Once the work environment has been addressed along with the established protocols for handling dangerous materials, worker training and positive reinforcement can ensure that proper procedures are followed on a routine basis. Companies are encouraged to keep accurate and current records to help ensure that the safety plan is followed and amended as needed to improve workplace safety. Missouri workers who have suffered a serious work-related injury or illness through no fault of their own are entitled to seek assistance in filing a qualifying claim for benefits from the state’s workers’ compensation insurance program.