No matter one’s occupation, most employees work diligently to ensure that they follow all safety protocols to ensure both their safety and that of their co-workers. Unfortunately, even the most seasoned employees can fall victim to serious workplace accidents that can result in debilitating injuries or even death. Though the majority of Missouri workers attempt to avoid unsafe working conditions, not every accident can be foreseen and prevented.
Recently, police and emergency responders were summoned to the L Brands facility that provides products for the Bath and Body Works retail stores. The report indicated that two men were engaged in loading product onto a truck, using an expandable conveyor belt machinery. For reasons that are yet unclear, a 56-year-old worker was somehow trapped between the belt and cases of product. Because the man’s back was pressed up against the machinery’s control panel, the worker was unable to reach the stop button.
Due to the victim’s positioning, emergency crews were unable to reach him until they removed several cases of product. Unfortunately, the victim suffered severe crush injuries and died after being transported to a local hospital. Officials with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are currently conducting an investigation.
Officials with the L Brand company stated that they will offer their full cooperation with the investigation. There was no further information regarding whether the company has been the scene of any previous workplace accidents. Whenever a Missouri worker has suffered a serious injury through a work-related accident, he or she will likely qualify for benefits from the state’s workers’ compensation insurance program. If an accident results in a fatality, the victim’s family may qualify to receive death benefits. An attorney who handles these claims on a routine basis can provide guidance on filing a successful claim for maximum benefits in a timely manner.