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Man found dead after apparent industrial accident

No matter one’s occupation, almost every workplace can contain hazards that can cause serious or even fatal injuries. In reality, there are some workplaces that pose a more serious risk of injuries to even the most experienced employees. Missouri workers who are employed in any type of manufacturing might face a higher probability of becoming a victim of an industrial accident.

Recently, investigators with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were informed of a fatal incident that occurred at a manufacturing plant that produces cheese products. According to a police report, officials were summoned to a cheese factory in response to reports of a man found deceased inside of a mixing machine. Other workers purportedly found the employee when they came into the area.

Police attributed the death to a work-related accident. The 41-year-old man has been employed with the company for approximately a year and a half. The worker was in his assigned workplace. The machine was accessed by platform, though there is reportedly no video cameras that could help investigators determine how the man wound up inside of the machinery.

It could take several months before OSHA officials complete their formal investigation into this industrial accident. The company specializes in manufacturing cheese products as well as bread crumbs. There has been no official statements from company officials. The victim’s family may seek death benefits from their state’s workers’ compensation program. Missouri workers who have suffered serious injuries in a work-related accident may benefit from the assistance of an experienced attorney who can help file a qualifying claim for maximum benefits in a timely manner.