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Company offers data on most common types of workplace injury

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that an average of one out of every 100 workers will miss time from a job due to a work-related injury. Based on its data, a business security company, CPI, recently published a list of the top eight most common types of workplace injury along with the average number of days missed. While not every accident can be prevented, Missouri employers may be able to enhance workplace safety in order to lessen the likelihood of these often costly incidents.

According to the data, the most common cause of work-related injuries is due to falls, tripping and overexertion. Those who are self-employed or work on smaller farms or private home businesses were not included in the survey. Though the injury rate may not appear to be alarming, the numbers of missed days and the costs to both workers and employers provides motivation for finding solutions to reduce injuries.

The eight most common injuries are listed with the highest numbers of affected workers last. At the bottom of the list are burns, puncture wounds and concussions. These affect anywhere from 1.4 to 1.7 out of every 10,000 workers. The next three on the list are lacerations, broken bones and bruising. These occur in about 7.8 to 8.8 per 10,000 employees.

The top two most common work-related injuries are nonspecified injuries or illness and sprains and related injuries. These occur in an estimated 20.3 to 36.3 workers out of 10,000 and result in the highest numbers of days missed. Missouri workers face many hazards on the job, but it appears that the greatest danger is posed by simply carrying out one’s assigned duties. If a worker does suffer a workplace injury, then he or she may qualify for benefits from the workers’ compensation program. An experienced attorney can provide assistance in filing these claims in order to obtain the maximum amount of benefits in a timely manner.

Source:, “The most common workplace injuries in the US”, March 30, 2018