Blue collar workers face any number of dangers during their work day. Those who work in factories may face a higher risk of injury from an industrial accident. Missouri has numerous factories that employ hundreds of workers who depend on these companies to provide for their families.
One man has worked diligently to offer a tool that may provide protection against some of these accidents. The 27-year-old inventor developed what he calls an exo-skeleton to be worn by those who work in industrial settings. The device fits over the outside of the worker’s body and is designed to provide a layer of protection and support to prevent injuries.
The equipment is structured to support a worker’s arms, back and posture in order to prevent fatigue, strains and sprains during the course of carrying out one’s duties on the job. The man stated he was motivated to develop the protective gear after his own father died while on a job site. The inventor has recently received financial backing by the 3M Corporation in order to ensure development and distribution of the equipment. To date, both Con Edison and ship builder, Huntington Ingalls Industries, have purchased the StrongArm product for their employees.
The designer stated that he hopes to reduce the risk of a worker suffering injuries in an industrial accident while also reducing the costs to employers to address those same injuries. While this technology may prevent some workers from suffering a work-related injury, there are many other factors that can play a role in causing a worker to be hurt on the job. Missouri residents who have been injured at work are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim, and they are further entitled to seek the assistance of an attorney who can ensure these claims are handled in a timely and efficient manner.
Source: Forbes, “Sean Patterson, 27, designs exoskeletons that help industrial workers do their jobs without injury“, Amy Feldman, July 6, 2017