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Grain worker loses leg in workplace accident involving auger

Workers in Missouri and elsewhere who are in the grain industry are typically exposed to multiple dangerous conditions. The first threat that comes to mind may be entrapment by grain, which reportedly can cause complete engulfment within 30 seconds. However, other, equally severe hazards can only be prevented by compliance with safety regulations. A man recently lost a leg in a workplace accident in another state that occurred when he stepped into a grain bin.

One of the other hazards of grain bins is augers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says no workers should ever — under any circumstances — enter a grain bin while the auger is turning. It is extremely dangerous, as was proved in this accident. This 28-year-old worker stepped into the bin, and the rotating auger pulled him in.

The fire chief reported that rescuers worked for about two hours, and with the use of electric saws and hydraulics, they managed to extricate the worker from the machinery. He was rushed to a hospital where his leg had to be amputated. OSHA commented that this man’s life will be forever altered after an accident that should never have happened.

The Missouri workers’ compensation insurance program allows any victim of a workplace accident to claim benefits to help with the unexpected financial consequences of such an incident. The benefits typically cover medical expenses and a portion of lost income, but in a case of an amputation or another debilitating injury, additional benefits may be provided. These may include vocational training to provide new skills that will accommodate the victim’s new physical limitations.

Source:, “Man’s Leg Removed after Auger Accident at Co-Op in Kansas“, Sept. 23, 2016