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Construction worker drives scissor lift over 14th floor edge

While investigating workplace fatalities in Missouri or other states, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration will focus on the employers’ compliance with safety regulations. A 33-year-old construction worker in a neighboring state recently lost his life in an incident involving a scissor lift. OSHA investigators will determine whether appropriate safety protocols were followed.

According to an accident report, the worker operated a scissor lift on the 14th floor of a building under construction. Reportedly, he was about to reload the scissor lift with pieces of framework when he drove the machine over the edge of the building. It is suspected that the man accidentally pushed the wrong control, and instead of lifting the platform, he went forward.

Reportedly, the operator of the scissor lift could not escape because he was strapped into the seat. The safety net that was in place to prevent fall injuries was not strong enough to stop the falling machine. The worker did not survive the accident. OSHA says guardrails must be in place on open edges to prevent similar accidents, and it has not yet been determined whether such protection was in place on this building site. Investigators will also determine whether the employee was properly trained to operate the scissor lift.

The family of the construction worker who lost his life in this workplace accident will likely be faced with several financial hurdles during this difficult time. Along with the high costs of end-of-life arrangements, there will be the sudden loss of income with which they will have to cope. Fortunately, help is available through the Missouri workers’ compensation insurance system. Death benefits claims may be filed, and the insurance program typically provides coverage of the financial needs of the covered dependents of those who lost their lives in on-the-job accidents.

Source:, “Scissor lift falls 14 stories from building under construction in OKC, killing operator”, Wayne Grayson, Sept. 14, 2016