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OSHA investigating fatal accident on the job at tire company

All workers nationwide, including those in Missouri, have certain rights. One of them is the right to a safe workplace environment. Unfortunately, some company owners have little or no regard for the safety of their workers. It is not uncommon for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to report that a company under investigation after an accident on the job has a record of prior citations for safety violations.

One such company is Danville Goodyear, a tire and rubber company that is under federal investigation after the recent death of a 56-year-old female worker. OSHA reported that the business was cited for asbestos-related health hazards in 2011. An additional citation was issued two months later because the agency found that the asbestos violations were not adequately addressed.

Details of the latest fatality were not reported. Apparently, the woman had been in the employ of the tire company for 15 years prior to the fatal workplace accident. The company reported the death to have been accidental. OSHA will determine whether negligent safety management might have led to the tragedy.

After the death of a Missouri worker in an accident on the job, the surviving family members will likely have to face a number of financial challenges. Although no compensation can undo a tragic worksite accident, the death benefits offered by the workers’ compensation insurance fund may provide some financial relief to the victim’s dependents. These benefits typically include coverage of end-of-life expenses, including funeral and burial costs, along with a financial package to assist with living expenses.

Source:, “Employee who died while working at Danville Goodyear plant identified“, Sept. 1, 2015