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How do back injuries happen at work?

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2023 | Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries happen all the time. If you sustain an injury at work, or while advancing your employer’s interests, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. To pursue the benefits you deserve, however, you need to understand exactly what you are dealing with.

One of the most debilitating injuries you can sustain at work is back injury. Depending on the cause and severity, back injury can impact your mobility and ability to work.

So what kinds of back injuries are you likely to suffer at work?

According to BLS, one million Americans seek treatment following work-related back injuries every year. This accounts for 20 percent of all work-related injuries. Generally, these injuries fall into three broad categories:

  • Force – certainly the leading cause of back injuries at work, force-related injuries happen when a worker lifts or carries heavy objects around. Force-related injuries are common among warehouse and construction workers.
  • Repetition – just as hazardous as lifting objects, repetitive motions like twisting and bending can result in back injuries over time.
  • Inactivity – working in a sedentary position for an extended period can also lead to back problems, especially if you are using non-ergonomic office furniture.

Proving that your back pain is work-related

To recover worker’s comp benefits, you must prove that your back injury happened in the scope of your work. In other words, the injury must have happened while you were at work or while performing an employer-sanctioned task.

Some of the evidence you will need to prove your case include:

  • A doctor’s report that outlines your diagnosis and directly attributes your injury to work
  • A duly filled incident report that specifies the details of the workplace accident that led to your injury
  • Surveillance footage that captured the accident that caused your injury.

Protecting your rights

If you suffer a work-related injury to the back, you may be entitled to benefits through your employer’s workers’ compensation program.