When one hears of an accident at a construction site, it may prompt images of a fall or machinery malfunction. Unfortunately, there are many hazards on the site of a construction job — many of which could be prevented. When a Missouri resident is injured in a work accident, the consequences may include physical injury along with significant financial difficulties.
A construction site was recently shut down after a security guard and a worker were involved in an accident. According to the report, a glass panel that was to be installed was sitting on a loading dock. For reasons that are yet unclear, the panel, described as being approximately 8-by-14 feet, tipped over and landed on a 67-year-old security guard. A 27-year-old construction worker on the site was also injured.
Emergency responders found the older victim unresponsive and suffering severe traumatic injuries. The younger man suffered non-life-threatening injuries in his efforts to come to the guard’s aid. Ambulance crews transported the victims to a local medical center where the older man was pronounced deceased.
Along with the order to cease construction until after an investigation, the company was cited for failing to secure the worksite. The building is expected to be the second-tallest in the country once construction has been completed in the next two years. The families who were affected by this tragic work accident may file for benefits from the workers’ compensation program, which provides financial assistance to injured workers as well as one-time death benefits in the event of a fatal incident. Missouri residents who have been injured while on the job may likewise file a claim for these often vital benefits. When one encounters difficulties with the claims process or is unsure how to proceed, he or she is entitled to consult with an attorney who can provide information and assistance in obtaining maximum benefits.