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Man dies in crane accident on site of new medical offices

Most likely, the vast majority of Missouri residents get up to go to work never anticipating that their job could pose a serious danger to themselves. However, while many who are employed in the construction business may indeed contemplate the dangers they face, probably relatively few expect to experience a life-threatening injury. Unfortunately, a construction site accident — including a crane accident — can lead to serious or even fatal injuries.

In an ironic twist, a serious accident recently occurred on the site of the construction of new medical offices. While details have not been disclosed by investigators, the 20-year-old male victim was killed on the roof of the new building. According to reports, the man was killed when a crane that was moving a large vat of cement purportedly somehow failed to contain the load, and it fell on the victim, crushing him.

Emergency responders were called to the site late that afternoon, but the victim’s injuries were too severe and he was pronounced deceased. The company for whom he worked has stated that they intend to cooperate with the investigation being conducted by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. The company is also conducting its own investigation into this fatal accident.

Workers who are engaged in occupations that require the use of heavy equipment may always face dangers posed by a crane accident. When these types of accidents occur, injured workers — or their surviving family in the event of a fatal accident — can apply for benefits from the workers’ compensation program in their state. Missouri residents who have questions or difficulties when attempting to file these claims are entitled to seek assistance from an attorney who is knowledgeable about the process and can ensure that these claims are processed efficiently.

Source:, “Construction worker crushed by falling equipment in Atlanta”, Sept. 18, 2017